Saturday, 19 July 2014

Blogpost 5: The problem with Barbie's Curves

In today's society, if you aren't as slim as models are, you don't fit in. Barbie doll, once just considered a toy, really had a big impact in peoples' mind. The girl in the picture is Valeria Lukyanova. The controversial Ukrainian girl who altered almost everything in her physical appearance to look like Barbie. She even had several of her ribs taken out to achieve Barbie's physique. Why did she have to go under the knife undergo through all the pain? One of the reasons might be because she's not contented with what she looks, actually most of us are. Looking at how slim Valeria is at the picture, makes most of the female population envy her. Why? Probably because of peoples' high standards on body image. On the other hand the famous plastic doll, Barbie, is continuously condemned for the unattainable standards she set. Can it be possible that we have high expectation on body image because of a doll?

I read an article entitled, "The Negative Effects of Barbie On Young girls an the Long Term result" written by Stephanie Hoskins from the sight

The article mentions an experiment called, "Does Barbie Makes Girls Want to be Thin? The Effect of Experimental Exposure to images of Dolls on Body Image of 5-8 girls." It was done by psychology professors Helga Dittmar and Suzanne Ive from the University of Sussex, and Emma Halliwell of the University of the West of England. The findings from their experiment have been published in Developmental Psychology in 2006. A total of 162 girls from ages 5-8 to Barbie doll, Emme dolls, and no dolls and did a body image assessment. It was confirmed that Emme dolls had no negative effects and the Barbie dolls has. Those exposed with Barbie dolls showed low self-esteem and wanted to be more thinner. Meanwhile, it didn't have prompt bad effect on the older kids. The study concludes that although the dolls attempt to discontinue being a role model for grown-up girls, young kids who sees barbie as a feign image unrealistic thin body may affect girls' preview on body image. This would increase the rate of probability of having weight cycling and eating disorder.

The doll has been accused to be the reason for girls with dysmorphic disorder. It's a disorder which causes someone to engross something about her body she doesn't like which may seem to be a minor problem. Kids exposed to Barbie dolls may develop this later in their life.This disease is believed by physiologist Debbie to be the reason why some women undergo through surgery to alter their look. The population of women who opt to mutilate their body is arousing to achieve the ideal body. These psychology professors were surprised at how young women feel the need to alter their body to meet unattainable expectation Barbie has set.

Hoskins stated, "Barbie isn’t just a toy, maybe she has a great influence and psychological effect on the young girls of the world and the those girls who will turn in to women. Barbie has negative influence on young girls and makes them self-conscious about their physical appearance because of Barbie’s unrealistic body features."
Barbie's impact has gotten too far. She had girls undergo surgery and one even having several of her ribs taken out. And if young kids will get too exposed to the doll, they will eventually do the same when they grow-up. These kids don't know how these dolls influence their preview on beauty and body image until they grow older. So, it's their parents job to censor the toys they let their kids play with to protect them from dolls that could affect them psychologically negative. Because for young kids, fantasy and play are important parts of socialization in which they learn values and ideas and dolls are tangible image of the body that can set an example for the kids' developing minds.

I read another article entitled, "Barbie Lead Designer Blames Moms, Not Doll’s Crazy Proportions, for Girls’ Body Issues" by Laura Stampler from the site

People took Barbie's measurement impact too much they researched that if she was a real woman, she would have half a liver and would possibly not be able to menstruate. Mattel defended their self by saying, Barbie's body was never intended to be real. And that she was designed to be easy to undress and get dressed. But again, the doll was scrutinized for it's big bust. People don't think her chest makes her easy to get dress and undress. With regard to the accusation of Barbie's unattainable curves affects girls' view of body image, Mattel has defended themselves again. They say that the children view things differently from the adults do. Dr. Leslie Lim, clinical director of Mayo Clinic, put the blame to the mothers. She said that the moms and their opinion shape the point of view of their kids. They're the most influential when it comes to their children's thinking. Mattel's side said that, they designed Barbie's shoulders back and chest proudly out to show that teenage girls should be proud of their bodies.

Stampler stated, "There is a large and growing body of literature that shows the negative impact these toys have on developing children."
We are decide to according to people or things that influence us the most. The article said the mothers' affects their kids decision, and I agree with that. Mothers' opinion will have big impact in our choices and so as the things we get exposed to for a long time. In this case, when kids are exposed too much with dolls, it has a high chance to affect them negatively. Specially with regard to an individuals' body image. Many researches has already been conducted and proved that Barbie dolls really affect kids' view on their body.

With all the social issues today, i think, mothers' should advice their kids. In that way, they would know that you don't need to change yourself in order to be beautiful and be accepted by the society. A child's future is much better if she/he has a positive perspective in things.

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